Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time for an Update

Well, we've obviously been slacking on updating this beast, but I'll try to fill in the blanks for the past month.

We've done nothing of interest.

That's a pretty brief summation, but it's not that far from accurate. Of course we've been applying for jobs, exploring the town, and other stuff like that, but we've spent a lot of time just enjoying each other's company. Samantha got a gig babysitting for a nice family in the Southwest, but she's gotta kick that back to on call status because she is now the Assistant Manager at Cole Haan at the Palazzo on the Strip! Her first day is today, and she's gotta leave me and the new puppy at home all by ourselves. Rip Van Winkle and I are sitting on the couch and enjoying the air conditioner. It's been well over 100 for most of the time we've been here. July was the hottest month on record in Vegas, and the average temp for the month was in the high 90's (keep in mind they count overnight temps in that, too!) The locals are complaining a lot, but it's not as bad as Sam and I were expecting, so at least we've got that going for us. Anywho - everything is going great, we couldn't be happier, and we'll try to keep this thing a bit more current if we can. Hopefully we will both have a lot less free time on our hands in the near future (still no job offers for me, sadly), but we'll do our best to keep everyone posted.


Monday, July 12, 2010

10 Days Late

That's right folks! I'm 10 days late on posting about our arrival! Sorry it has taken me so long to post an update.

We got to Las Vegas after 6 days of traveling, and we were all in good spirits and still having fun. No getting on each others nerves or anything! That's right, we rock. There's nothing like the feeling of reaching your destination and realizing that you made the right choice, and that the location that you chose is better than you had remembered. We are right along the mountain's edge, in a quiet (for Las Vegas anyway) part of town that is very friendly and safe. It's also extremely beautiful! On move in day we had three or four different neighbors come up to us and ask to help move us in even. We haven't seen them since, so perhaps they got scared off, but the initial hello was very nice.

Since then we have been busy applying for jobs and getting our new home all set up. We have learned our way around quite well while doing so. We still have some final touches to do before putting pictures up, but they are on the way. So are the video clips from the trip - we just have to figure out how to get them on the computer, it's not as easy as I had thought. However, pictures should be up soon, since we have people coming over in the next week or two and the place needs to be completed before that.

We have also, in true Miller form, been to two concerts in the last few days. We saw 3 Inches of Blood and Lamb of God on Thursday at the House of Blues, and tonight we saw Richard Cheese. Both were great shows at fantastic venues. But don't worry, those aren't the last of our concerts. We have Primus lined up for August 14th. (I didn't want you to get worried.)

I feel like there is so much that we could put up here tonight, but I'm getting pretty tired. The important information to get out there is that we are both extremely happy, we are in a safe and friendly spot, and we are absolutely loving every second of every day. We miss everyone back home, but this is so extraordinary and just what the doctor ordered. We've also got a second bedroom for anyone who wants to come visit us instead of just reading about our exploits and misadventures.

Signing off for now, more to come soon.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

PICTURES! (Start at the bottom and work your way up)

Utah ^

Colorado ^

Kansas ^

Lunch on the road ^

Well, we haven't been able to get internet in a while, so here is a quick update. We are in Moab, Utah tonight, and we head for Las Vegas tomorrow. We are so excited to see our new place! It's pretty late right now, and we have to get up really early to make sure that we can pull into Vegas in time to unpack the truck before bed, so details about the past few days will have to wait for a later time. However, I will put up some pictures from the trip so far. Enjoy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day Two

We made it in too late last night to post, so here it is now. It was a very long day of driving. We finally made it to our hotel at about 11:30 pm. We've had pretty good driving weather so far, with the exception of the lightning storm late last night. That wasn't even too bad though. We are amazed at how late the sun stays up out here! 9:30 pm and it's still a beautiful sky. It looked like it was on fire. The lightning bugs blanketing the side of the road are pretty cool too. Makes for a sparkly ride (hooray for sparkles).

Yesterday was our longest day at 570 miles - 15 hours, but today and tomorrow are both clocking in at 507 miles... Hopefully we can stay close to speed limit (the truck starts to shake a little at 60mph I guess) and make it in less than 12 hours. Topeka, KS, here we come!

Pictures will be posted later today if we get in to the hotel at a decent hour.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day One

Day one is finished! Did about 540 miles today, Samantha drove the whole way to Pennsylvania and did a fine job getting us here in one piece. We went through six states today - New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and now we're here in Carlisle, PA for the night at our first Motel 6 of the trip. This one is pretty decent, it has an actual lobby instead of some dude behind a sheet of bulletproof glass, so that's a nice touch.

Mostly smooth sailing, no real problems with much of anything. We got a bit "misplaced" in NY thanks to one part being passenger cars only, so we had to reroute a bit to get where we needed to be. Drove through a small town with some nice houses while we tried to figure out how to get back on the highway. The detour took us probably about 45 minutes or so, but no biggie. We're here in one piece and we're all still talking to each other, so that's a pretty good sign after what's supposed to be the hardest day of the trip.

On a side note - Pennsylvania highways have a boatload of lightning bugs. It's pretty boss. Thousands of them.

We haven't done any video yet, but maybe we'll shoot something in the morning and post it up tomorrow night. There's a picture of a supremely handsome gentleman standing next to a Penske truck, so maybe that'll work it's way on here sooner or later. That's all for now. Bed time. We've got more driving to do tomorrow, as it turns out. Whoodathunkit?


Friday, June 11, 2010

We got it!

Our application was accepted! We now have a Las Vegas address. It's such a relief knowing that when we head out at the end of this month, we will have an actual destination, and it's one that is OURS. It makes the idea of packing easier too. We will be sending out our new information soon, so watch your mail boxes!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Going Away Party 6/5/10

Thank you to everyone that was able to make it to our going away party! It was so nice to see all of you. You all are very special and important to us, and we will miss you. We'll have to have another shindig when we come home to visit. And we love having guests, so if you find yourself out west, make sure you stop by!

We are still working on securing our new address, but as soon as we have it we'll let you know. Keep checking on here for updates!